My Top 4 VULVA Skincare Products

My Top 4 VULVA Skincare Products

VULVA VULVA VULVA - ok, so that should get us in the zone and all awkwardness averted.  

If you can't wait & want to know my Top 4 Vulva products right this second, simply scroll to the end of the blog, otherwise hold on to your cup of Joe, this is going to get intimate:

We’ve heard the ol saying “don't put anything up there to wash your vag as it's self cleaning” and this was the premise to my latest poll on my IG page AustraliasBeautyBoss. l asked the WolfGang if your Vag has its own skincare routine. The response was a resolving 100% NO!

So, as l sat seemingly alone with my Vulva skincare routine l started to wonder why l was alone in this daily ritual.  This routine together with good genetics had lead my vag to receive accolades like ‘PPP’ (Pretty Perfect Puss) amongst many others. Wait, are you surprised that a woman is putting her Vulva on positive blast whilst men have been boosting about the girth and length of their anatomy since the start of time via music, art, movies and in every male conversation ever had? Yet my girlfriends and l, some of which l have been friends with for over 30 years have never once talked about how beautiful our Vulvas are or how they are admired by our lovers. Heck, even my doctor has given me compliments on the health and condition of my Vag. Why is this talk only for penises? God l hope my mum is not reading this. 

Kourtney Kardashian is now taking Skype meetings with her therapist whilst steaming her vag. Gwyneth is the one to give her the idea.  As Australia’s representative of all things lifestyle, including our gorgeous Kitty’s, l am here to let you in on my vulva care routine with no apologies. My self delivered trophies tell me it's time to tell my story. 

First and most obvious is cleaning the Vag. Once l started talking about brands like Fem Fresh and Fig Femme, there was a gear shift with many of you who said ‘absolutely’ to using these cleaning products. Ultimately the goal with these is that it restores your PH levels to keep the area hydrated and irritation free that is often resulted by soaps and body washes, particularly post epilation. I have been gifted many things over the years, included FEELING FRESH. But the difference with this one is that l loved it so much l decided to stock it on My Julie. Josie, the founder is a cancer survivor and when she was going through treatment, she found that soaps and body washed were leaving her completely dry and irritated and she needed to find a natural alternative. She didn’t and hence the journey to starting her Melbourne based brand at age 50! This woman is proper GOALS!

Then sliding into my DMs was the people’s Princess herself, Lindy Klim who founded intimate care brand Fig Femme in 2020 after noticing quite the gap in the market. She generously offered to be interviewed for this Blog and a couple of days later, on a Saturday Lindy and l chatted on the phone at length about our Vulva’s and not once did l blush. God it was liberating.

Lindy had been in the skincare industry for years prior when she and her ex husband started Milk & Co in 2008. Having lived in Jakarta for most of her life, Lindy was exposed to intimate care as a priority. As we chatted about our bathroom routines, it was a big Ah HA moment for me to join the dots that the standards of public and private toilets around Europe, Asia and the Middle East with either separate or integrated bidets or wall hoses to wash your genital areas is standard.

I’ve always said that my bathroom goals is to have bidets, as l use baby wipes EVERY SINGLE TIME l do number 2 or period o’clock and often for number ones too as it just feels cleaner. My 6 year old daughter has been taught this too and we use unscented baby wipes as a standard. There is a slight nervousness that the toilet may one day clog as that caveat is loud and clear. If only there were ‘flushable’ wipes…. Oh yeah, Lindy thought of that too!

Skylar 6, was the first to try the wipes that Lindy has sent over for us girls to try and yep, knocked baby wipes out the park! No more flushing anxiety.

Bringing up religion is often a no no, but bare with me here as l was raised Muslim and understand first hand the dialog around cleanliness as it pertains to religion, particularly during menstruating and pray. In many parts of the world, women do not have access to clean water to provide a quick ‘wash’ before pray and products like intimate wipes & mist can offer a mobile solution. This was at the forefront when Lindy was developing her line.

So what else do l use to get the ultimate hydrated puss? Here are my top products tried and tested:

  1. Fresh Feels intimate wash $17 
    Carefully crafted from the essential oils of patchouli, bergamot and sweet orange, Fresh Feels lightly fragrant intimate wash was designed for delicate, everyday cleansing down there. Used by the whole family, this is what we lovingly wash our vagina's with as many soaps & body washes leave your vulva area feeling striped and itchy. This PH balanced wash has your skin not only clean, but feeling hydrated too. 
  2. Fig Femme Intimate wipes $9.99
    fig femme flushable wipes
    This is the first product l used in the Fig Femme range and an instant hit. Most importantly they are flushable & unlike the big pack of babywipes l use to buy, these fit perfectly in my bag for a instant deep clean and refresher on the go. Other vulva loving products created by Fig Femme are a Vulva Mask, Revive Hydrating mist that has my favourite skin hydrating ingredient Glycerin & a daily wash for shower time! 
  3. The Facial Co. Skincare Golden Hour Serum $69 
    Now this Golden Hour Serum was a really really HAPPY accident. My vulva area had been waxed a couple of days before and l found the skin to become quite dry as wax does take several layers of skin off. I found in my cabinet this facial oil l typically reserve for facial gua sha moments or a sleep in serum when l feel l need a deep hydration. So on l popped it to my vulva and by morning the skin was healed and looked and felt so silky smooth. That's the way l love my vulva and so l use it there about 3 times a week after the shower & well, it works!
  4. Korganika Black Seed Oil $45
    When chatting to the founder of Korganika about my skin condition psoriasis on my scalp, she recommended l use this black seed oil on that area of the skin. So l did and thought what would this do if l put it on another area of the body that has terminal hair follicles like your vulva, so l tried it.  One of Korganika's reviews read: "Ever since l have been using black seed oil on my vagina, l no longer get thrush monthly after my period. It's balanced my pH levels. Sex is more enjoyable & overall l now have a happy healthy vagina". Yep, its that good!

So tell me, what are your Vulva secrets?


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