Laser Hair Removal - Are all clinics made equal?
Yesterday l had the privilege of being invited to Australia Skin Clinic Pacific Werribee for Laser Hair removal. I live about 30 mins away from Werribee, so it took a bit of diary juggling to attend. I wanted to go earlier, but truthfully, l can get this ’service’ done down the road from home, literally walking distance away.
Aren't all laser hair removal machines made equal and is it really worth me driving that far? The big questions.

What changed my mind was the TOV of Instagram DMs from this team. When they slid into my DM, you could feel the warmth and gratitude and l was intrigued. So l went. Now, lets get a couple of points covered:
1. I've been using laser hair machines for 23 years in all parts of the world
2. I am the chick that paid $700 for a full leg session in the early 2000’s when you pretty much had 2 places to go:
A. Cosmetic doctors
B. Random beautician's who managed to buy a $150k machine by remortgaging their homes. Questionable training as there was a peak of ‘burn victims’ at this time.
There was very little in between.
23 years later & technology has caught up, training has improved significantly and therefore accessibility is off the chain. The fact that you can choose between 3-6 locations per shopping centre (yes, shopping centres) across Australia without a cosmetic doctor in sight is outstanding. BUT, not all clinics are made equal. Not all machines are made equal and like all technology, it is forever developing and therefore, quicker than a lot of these clinics can pay off their leasing equipment, are they becoming out of date.
So what should you look for when choosing Laser Hair Removal clinics?
1. Trained staff - look beyond the pretty Instagram page, ask questions about training and where they get training done
2. Machines: IPL v Laser - this debate has been going on for years. Essentially both are used for laser hair removal, but laser is the newer technology.
3. Pricing - cheaper is not better, but in 2021, we are seeing extremely competitive pricing and certainly this is not a reflection on quality like some other industries

Nothing grinds me more than incompetence of a technician holding a laser pointed to my vagina. If l am not feeling confident with that technician, there will not be a second date and by god there will not be a ‘guess where l am IG story’ - l stay quiet about the bad service providers. After running my own business in the beauty industry for 13+ years, l have watched the incompetent die off one by one. It is inevitable. I don’t need to highlight their death any further.
Yesterday when l attended Australian Skin Clinic Pacific Werribee l was greeted with big smiles and l could see the smiles despite them all wearing masks. Because the eyes don't lie. Instantly, l had forgotten about my 30 minute drive. When l was introduced to their Senior Tech Ally, l felt a warmth of competence. I really do like that word ’senior’ - no age shaming in my hood. After going through the standard T&C’s, covering all medical related questions and assessing my eligibility to be treated on the day based on whether l had sun exposure, fake tan, certain meds and skin type, it was time to ZAP!
My first WOW moment came when Ally cleansed my skin, followed by a good alcohol wiping to truly see if any fake tan l accidentally sprayed on myself a couple of weeks prior had actually been removed. It had & we were off to the races.

First my underarms, second my full leg and third my Brazilian. When you lie on your stomach and the tech has their face pretty close to your hair follicles, l listen instantly when they break down my hair growth, type and well overall look. I find it fascinating. She sees what l cant see & l’m all ears. Now the real talent is being able to deliver this information to your client without embarrassing or offending them.
This is where SERVICE trumps all. Don’t get me wrong, Ally was very technically certified, hence her senior title. Yet, it was Ally’s passionate interest in MY hair, MY treatment, MY ‘ongoing’ hair journey that she mapped for me. I was hooked!
Let’s compare some ‘like for like’ clinic experiences that sit in similar shopping mall locations and have similar price points and machines/technology. I have been in rooms where the tech stands in the rooms whilst you underdress, providing no privacy for you taking off your underwear. I have been given eyewear that is questionable in its protection level. I have been in clinics when after the technician has treated the most intimidate of parts was thrown a 2 litre bottle of aloe vera and told to put it on myself whilst lying mostly naked as she deep cleaned the room - these rooms are smaller than most bedrooms. So morale of the story - SERVICE MATTERS.
I did an Instagram poll on how many people were cleansed by their technician prior to lasers and only 31% said yes. It’s these things that all contribute to making a decision on where you go. Surprisingly this clinic was actually cheaper than the ‘rub your own aloe vera’ chain with questionable eye protection offer.
So if the price is right, the service is first class and the results are proven, then the decision is easy. This was my experience and this is my reason why l am comfortable to drive 1 hour for something l can get walking distance. There is value in quality.
Thank you to the team at Australian Skin Clinics Pacific Werribee - you had me at ‘cleanse’.
1 comment
Thank you so much for taking the time to come down to visit us even tho it was out of your way.we feel so happy and humble that you were able to experience what we are so proud of and what we feel makes us different to the ‘rub your own aloe Vera chain’ we love every moment of having you in our clinic and meeting you in person !
Lots of love ❤️
Australian Skin Clinics Werribee Team